Reinventa tu Espacio Work Direction is our quality verification, our designers and work directors team allow us to work next to the client until their needs and ideas are solved and projected.

We adapted to each specific situation. And at any time we help you to decide and examine the advantages of each aspects of your project, being done personally and complete follow up to guarantee our products/services quality.

Reinventa Direccion de Obra offers you its services to represent it in the execution of your work in front of the professionals and companies that you have contracted before for your work execution. Be sure about your work quality, contracting the external services of /third party/others (work auditor), avoiding problems and canalizing your needs through a unique interlocutor/speaker.

Reinventa Direccion de obra, offers you our company quality assurance:

  • Facultative direction.
  • Direction work execution.
  • Quality programs.
  • Studies Coordination and security and health plans.
  • Project and build Programming, planning and technical attendance.




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